dilluns, 16 de juny del 2008

Los idiotas (1998) de Lars von Trier

La moderna sociedad del bienestar se encuentra tan racionalmente bien organizada que se necesita un esfuerzo especial para soltar las riendas y abandonarse a los instintos. En la tragicomedia Los Idiotas de Lars von Trier, un grupo de hombres y mujeres jóvenes dan la espalda a la sociedad establecida y crean un colectivo para cultivar el idiota que llevan dentro.

A group of perfectly intelligent young people decide to react to society's cult of an aimless, non-creative and non-responsible form of intelligence by living together in a community of "idiots". Their main activity becomes going out into the world of "normal" people and pretending to be mentally retarded. They take advantage of this situation to create anarchy everywhere they go and try by every possible means to make people annoyed, disturbed, miserable, ridiculous, angered, and shocked. The films start as they recruit a new lost soul and introduced her to their megalomaniac leader.

A film by idiots, about idiots, for idiots.
